Brief Forum Program
The 2nd Xiangjiang River Forum in Economics, Finance and Management for Young Scholars |
August 25-27, 2023 |
August 25 |
18:00-19:30 |
Reception |
Location: Coffee room (ground floor) Jinjiang Capital Hotel 锦江都城酒店一楼咖啡厅 |
August 26 |
07:30-08:00 |
Registration/Reception Location: Room 201, 2nd Floor of the Old Cafeteria in North Campus 北校区老食堂二楼会议室201 |
08:00-10:00 |
Regular Parallel Session A |
A-1 Finance I |
ID:205-632-989 |
Password:202308 |
A-2 Microeconomics I |
ID:364-887-641 |
Password:202308 |
A-3 Online Session I |
ID:695-837-178 |
Password:202308 |
A-4 Macroeconomics I |
ID:808-498-573 |
Password:202308 |
A-5 Online Session II |
ID:703-715-584 |
Password:202308 |
10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 |
Tea Break Opening Ceremony Location: Main Lecture Hall (2nd Floor of the Old Cafeteria in North Campus) 北校区老食堂二楼大报告厅 Host: Dr. Zongyi Hu University leader remarks: Vice President of Hunan University, Dr. Chi Xie Organizing committee remarks: Dr. Haizheng Li
10:30-11:45 |
Keynote Speech |
ID:706-646-654 |
Password:202308 |
Location: Main Lecture Hall (2nd Floor of the Old Cafeteria in North Campus) 北校区老食堂二楼大报告厅 Chair: Dr. Haizheng Li Dr. Guoqiang Long: New Changes in Globalization (全球化的新变化) |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch Location: Coffee room (ground floor) Jinjiang Capital Hotel 锦江都城酒店一楼咖啡厅 |
14:00-16:00 |
Regular Parallel Session B |
B-2 Peer Effects |
ID:587-298-443 |
Password:202308 |
B-3 Human Capital I |
ID:632-314-074 |
Password:202308 |
B-4 Productivity, Innovation and Growth |
ID:282-226-859 |
Password:202308 |
16:00-16:15 |
Tea Break |
16:15-18:15 |
Regular Parallel Session C |
C-1 Labor Economics I |
ID:503-341-736 |
Password:202308 |
C-2 Microeconomics II |
ID:255-419-373 |
Password:202308 |
Student Session S |
S-1 China’s Economic Policy |
ID:513-150-091 |
Password:202308 |
S-2 Finance II |
ID:905-559-366 |
Password:202308 |
18:30-20:30 |
Dinner Dining hall (ground floor) Luxiangyue Restaurant 麓湘悦一楼大厅 |
August 27 |
07:30-09:30 |
Doctoral Student Session S |
S-3 Human Capital II |
ID:518-244-764 |
Password:202308 |
S-4 Climate and Health |
ID:317-154-306 |
Password:202308 |
S-5 Macroeconomics II |
ID:504-845-049 |
Password:202308 |
S-6 Corporate Finance |
ID:624-704-937 |
Password:202308 |
09:30-09:45 |
Tea Break |
09:45-12:15 |
Outstanding Youth Scholar Plenary Session |
Room 201, 2nd Floor of the Old Cafeteria in North Campus 北校区老食堂二楼会议室201 |
Chair:Dr. Ning Yu ID:422-553-227 Password:202308 Dr. Ning Yu: Job Matching under Interventions Dr. Xiqian Cai: Daily Air Quality Influences Attitudes toward Environmental Pollution Discussant: Dr. Qiang Ji Dr. Qiang Ji: Climate Risks and Financial Market Discussant: Dr. Xuewei Yang Dr. Xuewei Yang: Are Chinese State-owned Enterprises Undervalued? Discussant: Dr. Xiqian Cai |
12:15-12:25 |
Closing Ceremony Host: Dr. Chenghan Hou, Dr. Long Zhao |
Lunch Location: Coffee room (ground floor) Jinjiang Capital Hotel 锦江都城酒店一楼咖啡厅 |
14:00-17:30 |
Visiting BROAD Group |